Thursday 1 November 2012

Walimah, Weds, Married, and Happily Ever After


Jummat Morning will full of Barakah...
Subuh prayer with roommates (Jamma'ah) give more peaces in soul..
peace that i guess i lost along time ago...hurm~~

Well, one of my favret blogger will end his single life..
same age like him, but he much richer, machoer,and etc than me...
well, makes me feel older guess...huhu
read here: joe weds

to many of my friends end their single life this year...
my usrahmate,my facultymates,my friends and lalala~~
makes me i need to follow them?
i think i should...

eh..seksi sgt ni..lalala~~tukar skit...

Last nite, i have an allergic and go hospital for medicine..
and my friend that folow me ask...
her: are you really ready to get married?
me: well,even if i don't think to get married, the time is still, what if someone come to your home and ask for you hand?what will u do?
her: eee..i don't want that to happen...
me: ya, but what if?
her: i cannot think...
me: 1st and 2nd month we may awkward to live with stranger (husband) but then the feeling will go..even we not ready, time is still on, and may be he just around the coner...

the conversation stop there since, i don't know what is the feeling to have someone stranger in our house and our life..i just go with the wind..
i pray for the best, and lets Allah do the hope, just pray~~

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