Saturday 23 July 2016

A Chapter of Happiness


aloha...after a while...a long "while" i guess...

nothing much happen...
still the old me...
just hectic jobs makes me a lil bit different...
more workaholic, more lazy, more emotional, and many more...

oh yes...still being lectured by my boss regarding my bad english...
but can't do anything since i didn't have more time to learn...haha...excuses!!

well, my buddy already find his job...
pray he going to do well in his job, while i do well in mine...
oh yes, just about a week...then i'll become farmer...
again i guess...since 2008 i quit touching; so what we called..."mud and manure"
haha...going to be involved in cultivation..and pray everything will run smoothly...
my dream after dream too...

oh time!!
just wanna share my hari raya...
and hopefully not too late to wished all of you
be cool and perfect!!

Pic 1: Selfies with Johor Family

 Pic 2: Selfies from Seremban Family

 Pic 3: Selfies with Schoolmate and Studymates besties

 Pic 4: selfies with JCorp besties

 Pic 5: Selfies with DPPM'ian besties

and Nadia my lovely girl on her big day...Pray she will be a great wife!!!

Three teachers, two accountant and a researcher....
came from one background: Agriculture!!!
hashtag Agriculture Rockksss...

and this picture is outside of the above stories...
just having some fun with Ben Odori Festival...
who knows one fine day, i'll be in real japan...huhu

ok...after a while...
I still can smile...and maybe, my life is not that miserable...
and at the end of the day, you will always find a way to smile...because you have all the memories that can make you smile and keep yourself calm, even when the hard time came...

thanks all...because be one of the chapter that i cheer a lot...
A chapter of happiness...

p/s: can i survive as a farmer?? InshaAllah...

Monday 2 May 2016

Not The Last Goodbye


We never spoke to each other until the 6th month I've been here...
and we never knew, we can be so close...
and just after next 6 months, u gone....

please be a good cop...since police is my dream...
but u the one who make it come true...

Pray for your success...and hopefully our dream will come true...
one fine day...partner!

This is not the last goodbye...
this is just a beginning of a friendship...
See u next time Ungku Abdul Qayyum Zarich...
It such a nice memories to work with you...

p/s: Kadang-kadang kita tak tahu siapa yang Allah hadirkan untuk sentuh hati kita...dan siapa yang Allah hilangkan untuk kita menjadi lebih baik, lebih kuat, dan lebih bahagia...

Saturday 12 March 2016



After some times...
yeah...i am not as young as before...
and not as active as before...
this blog thing...become no longer as a part of my life..

and thats is one of the thing that i miss so much today...

why i used to choose blog?
sometimes...i love to run away from my real life..
blog is somewhere, where i can speak more, laugh more, learn more and..
most important thing "without hurtin' someone directly"

it is totally different with facebook...
where everybody seem toooo damn good...
i cannot complain this and that...
i cannot express my anger, my dissapointed...i mean not directly..
because there were too many person there...

people choose to use FB to express their happinese...
getting married, getting pregnant, getting a buquet of flowers..bla bla...
while they are forgetting that...
in some other place,
they are a person who still looking for a love...
still looking for a baby...
still looking for a happiness in life..

thats why i rarely share my story on the FB wall..

well, yet...
now i rarely share my life either on blog...
i don't have time to do so...
work work work...
i used to tell people "kerja...sampai mati pun tak habis"
but then, what am i doin' right now..
work until i didn't see a sun rise and sun set anymore..
for whom?i am not so sure...
back then, i have a clear vision about my job..
but now, it become sooo blurr...
give promises that you never can make it..
just like what happen in Malaysia...
promises and corruption....
damn i hate those both...

oh ya..
now i choose insta better than blog and FB...
its easy to express youself in the picture without getting people comment on it..
normally in ista, what people do is to double click a.k.a like then leave..
no heart feeling huh..
thats what i thought...and thats what i do...

I am getting bored with the environment in my working place...
with the people, actually...
why there must be a place for people "kaki kipas" and "kaki mengadu"
and this people...alwayyysss get a place for boss trust...

i really looking forward for new job...
because i cannot stand working with arrogant people..
and "bodoh-sombong"
tak tahu, buat2 tahu, pastu salah...tetibe orang lain yang die salahkan...

rasa nak "panggg" je...

motive of the story line today?
nothings...just wanna share something that i cannot share in real life...
since i dont have someone that can listen to my-not-worthing-story anymore..

yeah...everybody is growing up now..and busy...and miserable...and tired...

ok then...

p/s: time have really change...until i see no more you in me...

Wednesday 27 January 2016

I Know Myself


stressfull environment for this January 2016...
Supposely, new year bring new motivation, yet, thats not happen within my workplace...

I use to think, working with almost 100% malay would be some kind of easy environment..
no communication berrier, easy to learn new things and others...
somehow, the exactly happen is upside down..
it worst...i mean super worst...

I use to work with Japanese company, british company, US company...
but Malay company is the one who makes me..pfffttt!!
u n e x p l a i n e a b l e

In simple word..

Hasad Dengki....
Bangga Diri...
Bajet Bagus...

it is so negative until i can't figure out, how a good staff should be.
I feel so much disappointed...
and I cannot learn any single thing, and need to keep myself calm and do what is right for the company..

I really love this job, and love this company....
but the people here...argghh...
i thought this kind of people is no longer exist, yet there are many here...Hrmmm...

Thinking about quit and go to somewhere else...
Problem is... Malaysia in the middle of crisis now...
should say that the corruption making this country a loser...
it is hard to find a place that give you what you you for doing what you passion with...
may be for the time being, I stick on the plan first...inshaAllah...
only few month left...

for me, as far as I know what is right, and what is wrong...
that is more than enough...
the main things is, "JANGAN CEPAT MELATAH"
Know yourself better...

i know that i'm not yet changes because of this enviroment.

I Surely put this on my next resume!!!!

Chaiyok team...Gambate ne!!!

p/s: Next job would be billionaire...thats it!!!

Saturday 2 January 2016

Welcome 2016



people calling it a new year begin, yet I don't really feel anything...
feel the same... with super duper hectic job and duty...

Recall last year BIG things...
1. On April: Get Job here in JB
2. On December: Done my ViVA (not yet on 60 days)
3. On December: My 1st Wedding Anniversary

Yeahh..nothing much happen...
but I am totally sure, there were a lot-a lot of small things that place something in my heart and mind...

some of them know their promises they've made, some of them just forget about it...
but at the end of the day, what should happen, had happen...

this year promises... for myself...
there are only few things I pray to happen in 2016...
such as to finish my study...I mean really finish...haha

oh yes...on Feb 2016 I am about to move out to new environment...
I mean not staying with in-law...
Its about the time for me and mr.husband to stand on our own feet...
that is a BIG least in this new year...

pray many cool things to happen....
waiting for my putra and putri maybe...
InshaAllah.. is Teh Arfah Birthday....3rd of January...
Gonna wish and pray her to meet her prince charming...

ok, until next time....

have a break