Monday 30 January 2017

Can't Believe...Its 2017


I see less blogger..but more of keyboard warrior...
Actually I see less of me, writing using this blog..
Its been like forever, since my last update...

For real,
I just have a lot of without fullstop..
and that makes me less happy...
I don't know...
all of my friend are also super busy...
as i saw on their facebook...

It is just my guess, right?
maybe they don't even busy...

Somehow...on these new year!!!
I am not happy...

Imagine this...
Someone who is extrovert suddenly lost all of her friend,
compare to...
someone who is introvert suddenly lost all of his friend..
would never have the same kind of feeling...

why people don't change themselves,
want to change others?

 Its been a long time I'm not sharing my sad story to this blog...
because I just want to be happy or maybe, pretending to be happy...
so I don't blame the past.

Its 6.16 p.m and I am still at the office...cry!!
crying for something...something that i regret the most...
but i need to continue smile...since smile is the best thing i can do..
or maybe some laugh would help to cure the regret and hurt...

oh yeah...if i don't have laugh...maybe food would help...haha :)

P/s: Bende buruk yang berlaku cuma pada pandangan mata ia tetap yang terindah dan terbaik dari kacamata Allah yang menciptakan alam ini...kerana apa? kerana hikmah di penghujung cerita teramat indah dan bererti buat hambaNya...

have a break