Sunday 16 November 2014


this song seems read myself well...

                    demi malam yang mungkin tak sempat habis,
                   demi siang yang mungkin tak sempat sampai... 
                               sudah-sudah lah...- Fynn Jamal

Itu kata fynn jamal...
kata aku pulak apa?

itu cuma perasaan..
yang jika bukan hari ini, pasti esok...

yang aku kejar..
cuma bayangan yang mengecewakan...
jika tak hilang hari ini, pasti esok...

kenapa aku diberi gula?
bila besok mencipta penyakit...
kenapa dia kau beri madu?
kerana besok dia yang kau mahu?

sudah-sudah lah...

demi erti persahabatan
jangan beri aku apa-apa,
kerna besok sudah tiada masa...

demi erti persahabatan

sudah-sudah lah
aku penat dan kecewa...

p/s: kalau aku kuat, akan aku tanya tepat ke mata die...kenapa? luluh jantung di biar mati, di racun sahabat sendiri...

Monday 10 November 2014

my pre-wedding


my pre-wedding plan...not no no

Ok...if i can count day from today, only 46 days left...
fourty six huh?
seems like a lot of time remaining...duhhh

the nerve..the urgency...

there are a lot of things that i need to settle..... yet...
"Today I don't feel like doing anything,  I just wanna lay in my bed"
yeah..just like a lazy song...
that is what i feel..

but Alhamdulillah...
even things that tick as done is not that much,but it seem to be settled one by one...

alhamdulillah..what interview or what position, let it stay a secret..haha
seems it is only a interview...
Remember Prof Ali advice...90/10 principle...90% is from you and 10% is fate...
I looking for a job...desperately...
even not yet finish my master..
johor is prior...even heart keep saying to stay..
Pray for the best...

borang nikah online submit already...only for n9, melaka, perlis, kedah and perak girl..ok?
this is a must...
and this coming jumaat, the result will come out...
Semoga dipermudahkan..

 Wedding progress....insyaAllah...
let see a piece of it..


this company is quite cheap... 500pcs+2 Bunting+ 5 button badges+post cost = rm220.00 
after a lot of consideration, this is the final design..
I  felt bad anyway, since i can't use my own design due to  costing...

 its ok..lets the important be prior...

my writing....yup still in progress..
chapter 4 already...need to keep on track...
thanks to my friend for staying back at faculty and write together-gether...

I think the next post, will be after I calculate all the expenses..hopefully i'm NOT over the budget..
so, until next post..

p/s: Can't think too positive now..need to be prepared! bersiap siaga

have a break