Wednesday 27 January 2016

I Know Myself


stressfull environment for this January 2016...
Supposely, new year bring new motivation, yet, thats not happen within my workplace...

I use to think, working with almost 100% malay would be some kind of easy environment..
no communication berrier, easy to learn new things and others...
somehow, the exactly happen is upside down..
it worst...i mean super worst...

I use to work with Japanese company, british company, US company...
but Malay company is the one who makes me..pfffttt!!
u n e x p l a i n e a b l e

In simple word..

Hasad Dengki....
Bangga Diri...
Bajet Bagus...

it is so negative until i can't figure out, how a good staff should be.
I feel so much disappointed...
and I cannot learn any single thing, and need to keep myself calm and do what is right for the company..

I really love this job, and love this company....
but the people here...argghh...
i thought this kind of people is no longer exist, yet there are many here...Hrmmm...

Thinking about quit and go to somewhere else...
Problem is... Malaysia in the middle of crisis now...
should say that the corruption making this country a loser...
it is hard to find a place that give you what you you for doing what you passion with...
may be for the time being, I stick on the plan first...inshaAllah...
only few month left...

for me, as far as I know what is right, and what is wrong...
that is more than enough...
the main things is, "JANGAN CEPAT MELATAH"
Know yourself better...

i know that i'm not yet changes because of this enviroment.

I Surely put this on my next resume!!!!

Chaiyok team...Gambate ne!!!

p/s: Next job would be billionaire...thats it!!!

Saturday 2 January 2016

Welcome 2016



people calling it a new year begin, yet I don't really feel anything...
feel the same... with super duper hectic job and duty...

Recall last year BIG things...
1. On April: Get Job here in JB
2. On December: Done my ViVA (not yet on 60 days)
3. On December: My 1st Wedding Anniversary

Yeahh..nothing much happen...
but I am totally sure, there were a lot-a lot of small things that place something in my heart and mind...

some of them know their promises they've made, some of them just forget about it...
but at the end of the day, what should happen, had happen...

this year promises... for myself...
there are only few things I pray to happen in 2016...
such as to finish my study...I mean really finish...haha

oh yes...on Feb 2016 I am about to move out to new environment...
I mean not staying with in-law...
Its about the time for me and mr.husband to stand on our own feet...
that is a BIG least in this new year...

pray many cool things to happen....
waiting for my putra and putri maybe...
InshaAllah.. is Teh Arfah Birthday....3rd of January...
Gonna wish and pray her to meet her prince charming...

ok, until next time....

have a break