Tuesday 24 September 2013

once upon a time


we always love to read a book starts with "once upon a time'
and we always knew that gonna be a princess stories..
but, there is a time when you realize that "once upon a time" 
is actually become one of your life stories..
but not a princess stories..
and u also realize that u r not a princess...
at last, you knew that the ending is not going to be a "happily ever after"

it is hurt..heartbroken...and really sad...

i thought that i never going through this kind of story in my life anymore..
i thought all that heartbroken stories is an old stories and i kept away from my mind..

always asking myself, why i always have this kind of people in my life..
create hope, giving promises and broke everything...
without any reason...

i don't have the ability to turn back time..
all i have now is this present time...
and i want to keep my heart to myself..
so it won't broken anymore...

"siapakah di antara kita, 
dengan rela menjadi pendusta,
siapakah dulu yang membina harapan,
dan siapakah yang memusnahkan impian,
tanpa sebab dan alasan,
kau mainkan perasaan,
bagai taufan tiba-tiba datang dan menghilang"

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