Monday 11 November 2013

A Crap Friendship


I know the title seem der~~~
but that is what i feel right now..
you know what, 6-7 years...
yes 6-7 years is not enough to get-to-know a person..
especially a person who actually like to lie...
because we might get confuse...
which one is real, which one is hypocrite, a lie..

in friendship,
what u need to do is ask and say..
i u really don't like people to disturb u, say it..
don't lie..
people someday will get bored with a liar...

and me,
i thought being a stalker is not a good things,
if i want to be a good friend..
i may ask and say too...
but then, after being cheat for several times,
then i think, stalker is necessary..
"u always don't believe me"..ahh, damn word..

people think,
stalking a fb is one of the way to be a stalker,
old tactics...please la...
yes u can stalk using fb, but thats crap...people actually lie in fb too...
all u need to do, is doin some research..hah!
only a curiosity can move people further..

what a friendship,
if a friend stalk the other friend...
i called that a crap friendship...
if ur friend saying something about going away,
believe me, what ur friend mean is "i don't want to talk to u anymore"
see...all u need to do is say it...
we all big enough to actually knew what u goin to say...
"i'm gone.."derr~~~what a word...

well, my friend saying something about goin away,
i feel terrible..frankly speaking..
"may be it is a better time to go"..
argh, for a moment, i believe it..
but then, show up with another name,
and left me with a terrible feeling,
that really make me piss off..LIAR!
is everything is coincident??
the time, the day, and the person?

i certainly need to wake up from this kind of friendship..
it is sad..but much sadder, when u know the truth by your own eyes...

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