Thursday 13 December 2012



seriously, today is a busy day..since all student have 1 week left before final study week,
then i have a lot of work to be settled before that..
update class attendance, prepared final exam question..and.....
yeah, do master student pending job...hate it!

life become busy, yet happy since tahfizton (hafazan test) already pass last nite..
and other two weeks, 5 surah need to be settle and i'm not even hafaz one of them yet...

today is 1 safar 1434...and make it 1-2-34...
cool right...

one thing...
why people always said something that might hurt others feeling?
don't they think how hurt that person could be...
yes you tired, but don't others also have their own problem?
why make it more hard?
words and tongue...more sharp and hurt than a knife or sword...

when u said something to others, and the same thing goes back to you...
you always don't realize it...right?
you think you always everything...u made nothing wrong...

people who have a hypocrite attitudes can easily be recognize...
and the person who recognize it, will always smile to that attitude with empathy..

i pray to Allah,
i don't want to hurt anybody...
so that, i step back...
when i step back people may also be hurt...
then i take 2 step, back..
until i realize, i am too far behind...
so i decided to move forward...
with hope and smile..
because i can't make everybody happy...
since i'm not perfect...

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