Thursday 10 October 2013

Hyper Stress: Job on call


Just come back from Kelantan for data collection...
seriously tired and sleepy...
bus that we ride is super fast and take gua musang road is really roller coaster..
ever heard of Kelantan?
it is a part of Malaysia, east side..

we cover Kota Bharu area for paddy farmers...
yes we had a lot of fun with my super cute post-doc...
she is super cute and she treat us with so many sweet food...
and she can talk Malay very well...

however, theres a time when farmers mad with KADA (the governmnt), and we had to make calm of our is really a situation that i'm afraid of, while dealing with this science social area...but yeay, we make it...collect 60 farmers survey for only 2 days...

just arrive at 6 o'clock in the morning, and today also at 3 pm, we about to go to Bera, Pahang..
and yup, also for data collection...

everything is on call...boss calling and ask to go..then we go...
it is kind of hyper stress sometimes...
but after we success to collect all the survey, then happy is only feeling left..

i love my job, and i love people around me...
and of course, when we be ordered to do on call job, the payment is actually higher than our salary..
that is the best part of being agribusiness-ian...

last but not least - my last on call job....(Cewah...),
on convo-day UPM, i have 7 days pack...
help my friend on survey...chicken sensory~~
come2...since we are about to give u a special gift...

this is my my hobby job...lalala~~~
tired #_#

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